
14 Pins
Know Who You Are With These 25 Questions — Misty Sansom | Life Purpose Coach
An article I wrote for the Huffington Post on 25 questions you can ask to know yourself just that little bit more. Knowing who you are and what you want is the first step in finding your purpose. Click through to read the post! gratitude, inspiration, motivation, meditation, personal growth, personal development, purpose, life purpose, life, self care, finding purpose, passion, self improvement, goals, mindset, mantra, journal, intuition, spiritual, developing intuition, spirit, wisdom
25 Things You Should Be Doing at 25
25 Things You Should Be Doing at 25 Twenty-five is a confusing year. You still feel young and free, but you also know you need to get your life together since you’re a quarter of a century old. Well, you don’t have to have it all figured out at 25, and you certainly aren’t required to be at a specific stage of life.
19 Charts That Will Help You Be An Actual Adult
19 Charts That Will Help You Be An Actual Adult
Joan Didion: life after death
Joan Didion: 'I've always had this sense that the unexamined fact is like a rattlesnake. It's going to come after you.' I AGREE. Photograph: Dorothy Hong for the Guardian
7 Tricks to Stay Focused While Studying - Society19
7 Tricks to Stay Focused While Studying - Struggling to keep your head in the books? These are some great college student study tips!
23 Legit Study Tips According To Science
23 Legit Study Tips According to Science (BuzzFeed)
Top 10s: Top 10 Latin Quotes | Quotationals
Top 10 Latin Quotes for Socratic Circle discussions at school and dinner discussion at home. Free pdf download.
Destiny - Happy Wives Club
Destiny: The way one person in a world with six billion others can find the only person with the key to unlock their heart.
Photo (wonder / wander)
"Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be glory, because of your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1
Unless it's mad, passionate or extraordinary love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life; Love shouldn't be one of them.
Natural Treatments for Your Anxiety Disorder, Beside Lavender Oil and Camomile Tea.
DIY Clay Label Knobs
Everyone needs someone who makes them feel like tomorrow is more than just another day. (Be that person for someone!)
I do believe in love at first sight and I believe love is also built. But either way there has to be that "click"