PAINT - Sketchbook

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A Level Textiles: Beautiful Sketchbook Pages
Fashion Textiles sketchbook.. i just think it looks like a vintage sketchbook because of the old autumn like colours, various textures, illustrations and typography.. a lush mash of everything!
Art student gains huge social media following, launches career at high school
This sequence of work (primarily Kate's A Level Art sketchbook pages) shows experimentation with media and the exploration of compositional ideas. Artist influences are chosen cleverly: seamlessly integrating with her own aesthetic.
Art Sketchbook Ideas: creative examples to inspire students
Many high school Painting / Fine Art students worry that their sketchbooks must be wild, gestural explorations, with layers of media exploding from each page. This sketchbook is a reminder that this is not always the case. Here, a sketchbook layout has been approached with the sophisticated eye of a graphic designer; each page taking on the aesthetic of a contemporary magazine.
A Level Textiles: Beautiful Sketchbook Pages
A Levels textiles armour project - follow the link to look at how the student develops ideas and presents their work
Critical Studies - Produce at least a double page presentation of research on your chosen artist creatively and appropriately, in sketchbooks. Include brief info, at least 4 key inspirational images drawings / paintings from the artists work, in and around the found images, 10 Key words summerising the artist’s work and how you will use it to suit the brief and info/ quotes on the artist themselves