Floral crowns and hair flowers

116 Pins
Beautiful Hair Dressing with fresh vegetables and flowers
"...and flowers in your hair" by @Tammy Tarng Tarng Y
fresh cherry blossom bonnet for the short film "bee in my bonnet" about the preservation and protection of the honey bee. by Kirsten Rickert
The White Room Bridal, Sheffield: Suzanne Neville, Claire Pettibone and Jenny Packham Elegance | Love My Dress®, UK Wedding Blog, Podcast, Directory & Shop
The White Room Bridal, Sheffield: Suzanne Neville, Claire Pettibone and Jenny Packham Elegance
DiY: Une couronnes de fleurs fraiches
©Marion Heurteboust - DiY - Une couronne de fleurs fraiches - La mariee aux pieds nus pour Bippity