Wabi sabi

Perfection is not necessarily the most beautiful thing.
9 Pins
Moss Covered Urns by Keith Levit
In Zen there are seven aesthetic principles for achieving Wabi-Sabi: Fukinsei: asymmetry, irregularity; Kanso: simplicity; Koko: basic, weathered; Shizen: without pretense, natural; Yugen: subtly profound grace, not obvious; Datsuzoku: unbounded by convention, free; Seijaku: tranquility.
Design aesthetic, philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, living in awareness
Wabi Sabi Philosophy | If an object or expression can bring about, within us, a sense of ...
Trendspotting: walls. Trendiga väggar
WABI SABI - simple, organic living from a Scandinavian Perspective.: Trendspotting: walls. Trendiga väggar
kintsukuroi -- learned about this in my cultural anthropology class. What do you consider to be art?
Compare and Contrast — Clay By Laura
wabi-sabi = perfectly imperfect (front runner for my next tattoo)