
Miho Hirano’s Delicate Portraits of Young Nature Goddesses - Hi-Fructose Magazine
Miho Hirano’s delicate portraits of young goddesses are in and of nature, adorned by pastel flowers, butterflies, and humming birds. They stand blissfully as slender tree branches wrap them in love…
...and the spirit moved upon the face of the waters
Marah is a Canaanite Water-Goddess, considered benevolent and merciful. She is the daughter of the great Mother Goddess Athirat-of-the-Sea, and twin sister to Anat, the Warrior Maiden Goddess of extraordinarily bad temper. Little is known about her, we even don't know if She is primarily a Goddess of the ocean, rivers, or lakes.
Visions of the Cailleach ⋆ Avalonia - Independent Esoteric Publishers - Goddess Spirituality, Pagan History, Occult Grimoires & Witchcraft.
The Cailleach is the British Celtic hag goddess who shaped the land by moving the rocks and rivers. She is also a weather goddess who rules the months of Winter and shape-shifts into animal form. This crone goddess features heavily in the folklore of Scotland and Ireland, and the authors bring together tales from these countries and many others to form a unique and definitive study.
Oriol Angrill
Nyx, goddess of night - A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation, and was the mother of other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death). Her appearances are sparse in surviving mythology, but reveal her as a figure of such exceptional power and beauty, that she is feared by Zeus himself. She is found in the shadows of the world and only ever seen in glimpses.
Flora was the Roman goddess of the flowering of plants. Flora was originally worshipped as the goddess of seeds and fruit. Later, she became the goddess of all that flowers.
These African Deities Are The Best Gods You've Never Heard Of
OBA | These African Deities Are The Best Gods You’ve Never Heard Of
Horus patron deity of Nekhen in Upper Egypt, who is the first known national god, specifically related to the king who in time came to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osiris in death. The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus as the son of Isis and Osiris but in another tradition Hathor is regarded as his mother and sometimes as his wife. Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being the god of the sun, war and protection...
haunted bodies, haunted house
t h e m o i r a i were the goddesses of fate who personified the inescapable destiny of man and assigned to every person his or her fate or share in the scheme of things. at the birth of a man, the moirai spinned out the thread of his life, followed his steps, and directed the consequences of his actions according to the counsel of the gods. they were independent, at the helm of necessity, directed fate, and watched that the fate assigned to every being by eternal laws might take its cours.....
Malinalxochitl is the Aztec Goddess of Snakes, Scorpions and Insects of the Desert. She is also a formidable sorceress.