sensitive chaos

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come. - Song of Solomon 2:11-12
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Interview with Jarrad Seng | Yellowtrace.
Jarrad Seng Interview |
Gorgeous Aerial Shots of Iceland's Volcanic Rivers
Gorgeous Aerial Shots of Iceland's Volcanic Rivers - My Modern Metropolis
Beautiful and unusal waves. Scopion Bay, Baha California,, Mexico.
The Weird and Beautiful World of Fluid Dynamics
Inverted Drafting Inverted drafting happens when a leading object encounters less drag than the object behind it. An example is when flows encounter passive objects, like flags, arranged one behind the other. Flags are considered passive because they flop around with every shifting breeze, unlike humans who are considered rigid objects. In this image, two white, S-shaped lines are flags oriented one behind the other. The flag in the follower position cuts into the wake given off by the f...
The von Karman vortex street of shed vortices that form the wake of a stationary cylinder are a classic image of fluid dynamics. Here we see...
Unit - DFD
Pasadena teacher Von Carman famous for Karman's Vortex Street. When Madelbrot got to CalTech he discovered that von Carman was staying in Paris! Credit Sanjay Kumar and George Laughlin / Sacred Geometry <3
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Sacred geometry of shells. The Golden Mean is represented by the Greek letter phi 1.6180... It is one of those mysterious natural numbers - basic building blocks - that define the basic structure of our cosmos.