Kiddie food ideas

51 Pins
Miracle Dough - The e-CookBook!
Miracle Dough - just 5 ingredients and only 30 minutes prep. Use it for cinnamon rolls, pizza, soft pretzels, and so much more!
Easy (and Real) Toddler Meal Ideas
Easy {and real} toddler meal ideas for everyday, busy moms. The best suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks!
Chocolate Avocado Banana Bread (Vegan) — Food, Pleasure & Health
Chocolate Avocado Banana Bread (Vegan) - Food, Pleasure, and Health
Banana Weet-Bix choc-chip muffins
Banana Weet-Bix choc-chip muffins... Your kids will be the envy the playground with these lunchbox muffin treats.
Weetbix, sultana & chia slice recipe
Weetbix, sultana & chia slice #recipe | Mouths of Mums yummy recipe great for kids
Quick and Healthy Bedtime Snacks for Kids!
Bedtime Snacks: 10 Quick and Healthy Ideas - It sure has been a long day, and the kids still don't want to go to sleep! Agh! Here's a quick bedtime snack that might tide them over till morning :)
Coconut & vanilla banana loaf -
Coconut & vanilla banana loaf made into muffins with choc chips was so yummy
Lifestyle | Horoscopes, Food, Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle - Yahoo7 Be
Apricot-coconut balls: These tasty no-cook snacks are perfect for the kids’ lunch boxes – and don’t forget to sneak a few in yours, too.
Edible Insects
Peanut butter, sliced bananas, a grape and pretzel sticks become a tasty and creepy crawly snack.
Healthy Lunch Ideas do not involve making a sandwich. Lots of good ideas! Youll regret not pinning this!