gorgeous gardens

231 Pins
Plant/Life: Sean Cook - Wonderground
Bluestone steppers planted with native violet (Viola hederaceae) and kidney weed (Dichondra repens) provide a simple foil for abundant greenery. Image by Daniel Shipp
A Balinese-inspired garden in Sydney's Northern Beaches
When it came to choosing plants, Wendy didn't want anything too formal. "We were influenced by the many lush tropical gardens in our coastal neighbourhood and overseas, too," she says. "Tropical plants are also amazingly hardy. It also helps that Bilgola is full of red volcanic soil so everything grows really well!" #tropicalgardens
Subtropical garden designed and built by award winning landscape designer Jules Moore, JM Landscapes. Auckland, NZ.
Heliconia bihai x Caribaea cv. Hot Rio Nights | Bamboo Land Nursery QLD Australia
Heliconia Bihai, native to Amazon forest, South América
✔60 Favourite & Best Garden Design Ideas For Making Your Page Beautiful #GardenDesign
Alocasia Masquerade™ Yucatan Princess
Alocasia sarawakensis ‘Yucatan Princess’ PPAF – Plants Nouveau
30 Best Tropical Garden Ideas #TropicalGarden