pottery - glazes

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Category: Glaze, Green, Author: Lasse Östman, Notes: Color depends on thickness. Very thin glaze is gray, fairly thin green and semi matt. Thicker glaze becomes blue and semi glossy to glossy with small crystals. 1270oC with one hour at top temperature. Very good for incised decoration. Safe glaze. http://www.stoneware.net/stoneware/glasyrer/recept/otherox/s419.htm
Oil Spot #2 over #1, 4 Co. Carb., 3134 ^6
Oil Spot #2 over #1, 4 Co. Carb., 3134 ^6
Category: Glaze, Matte, Author: Ceramic Recipes, Notes: "Similar to Pinnell's Strontium Matte Crater .(this uses barium vs his has strontium)." John Britt "The original called for .5 Cobalt Oxide rather than Cobalt Carb. as well as 2 Bentonite" Derek Au
glaze P72 66.05 Neph. Sye., 4.82 Zinc Ox., 4.51 Dolomite, 4.82 Whiting, 4.51 Ball Clay, 6.91 Quarts, 8.41 Rutile, 0.3 Copper Ox., 2 Cobalt Ox., 0.6 Red Ferric Ox.
Category: Glaze, Green, Author: Lasse Östman, Notes: Color depends on thickness. Very thin glaze is gray, fairly thin green and semi matt. Thicker glaze becomes blue and semi glossy to glossy with small crystals. 1270oC with one hour at top temperature. Very good for incised decoration. Safe glaze. http://www.stoneware.net/stoneware/glasyrer/recept/otherox/s419.htm