12 Pins
Tiny Zine, Big Love:日本一直流行的Zine也能變成心意小禮物!
A range of different techniques have been used, such as full bleed, framed, no frame and double page spread. I think it is effective as a range of all of these have been included with in the zine to vary it. I like the black and white colour scheme which runs throughout, i think it is very effective and eye catching. Here only photographs have been used to get the meaning across there are no word to support these photographs.
Shanti Sparrow Graphic Design & Illustration
Shanti Sparrow has just been named number 27 of ’33 Women Doing Amazing Things in Graphic Design’. Shanti’s engaging posters and brochures caught the eye of Canva and she’s made the li…
渡邊千夏《ふしぎなにじ》... - a grouped images picture
渡邊千夏《ふしぎなにじ》 - created via http://pinthemall.net