Baking :)

22 Pins
Deconstructed Peanut Butter & Jelly Doughnuts
Deconstructed Peanut Butter & Jelly Doughnuts - For adults, add liqueur to the jelly. Just made these as above, but also using pumpkin doughnut holes and filled pipette with pumpkin martini YUM!
Peanut Butter S’mores Baked Donuts
Gluten free peanut butter s'mores donuts! Delicious summer dessert!
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Frosting Cupcakes 201: The Ruffle Flower Pile Up Method
How to perfectly frost cupcakes!
How to Frost the Perfect Cupcake (For Beginners!) - I Heart Naptime
How to frost the perfect cupcakes via #tips
slice off top of cupcake and put frosting the bottom. use a cookie cutter to make cut out shape on the part of cupcake. replace top of cupcake on the frosting....cute less messy!