
12 Pins
Graphic Design Portfolio Template
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: Graphic Design Portfolio Template, Author: adekfotografia, Name: graphic_design_portfolio_template_465e0b674fe56a, Length: undefined pages, Page: 1, Published: 2017-04-08
Collect PowerPoint Template
Collect Presentation Template #ppt #powerpoint #presentation #keynote #template #pitchdeck #slides #portfolio #project #collection #lookbook #layout #magazine #proposal #simplep
8 Projects to Put in Your Portfolio When You've Never Been Hired
Need a job? Add these 5 pretend projects to your portfolio
Mighty Moo - Milkbar - Oliver H. Günther
Mighty Moo - Milkbar Book | Publication, Layout and Print Design
Pitch Deck and Questionnaire Template
The Pitch Deck and #Questionnaire set is a series of 35 fully customizable #design #templates for #Adobe #Photoshop and/or Adobe #Indesign. Our customizable pitch deck templates mean you can tailor your deck to show each #client what you can do for them. (22 unique of #pitch #slides + 3 alternate covers). Our questionnaire template #covers things like; #project details, #design choices, proposition, word-banks, #brand personality, competitors, logistics and much more.