
46 Pins
What's Under Your Cape? A Book Study Blog-Hop
File this under Growth MIndset tools! This is a wonderful anchor chart. Perhaps one of the few times I might include the "what not to do" when coaching, teaching or modeling!
Life Skills for Children Ages 2 to 18
Life Skills - by age, what kids should be able to do for themselves and around the home. all which prepare kids for adult life.
12 Things to Tell Our Daughters Before 13
12 Things to tell our daughters before 13! (this is actually great for your sons too.... most of them!)
Good graphic for coping skills...some things I can't change. This graphic created by Rebecca Waddell.
Sunshine Teacher
Be a leader, not a boss. Much needed in my classroom.
This was a "poem" framed in my room until I was six. I read it for two years with a heart full of hope until it disappeared. I've spent almost 30 years trying to find it...the words. And's still so relevant. And it makes me want to cry that my child heart loved it.