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Flower seeds Creeping Thyme Seeds or Blue ROCK CRESS seeds - Perennial Ground cover garden decoration flower 40pcs
25 Plastic Bottle Vertical Garden Ideas (Reuse Old Soda Bottles)
Follow these 13 plastic bottle vertical garden ideas to make something amazing out of them. Repurpose those old bottles, which you usually throw away to grow your favorite plants either indoor or outdoor and help to save our environment. Here are 13 inspiring plastic bottle vertical garden ideas to make a vertical soda bottle garden and these ideas will definitely interest you if you are a creative person, DIY lover and love to recycle.
Trellis I made from cattle panel for the cucumbers
Even better idea for a cucumber Trellis. This way i can make use of the sides of the beds I've already built
How To Build A Vertical Planter For Lettuce - Homestead & Survival
How To Build A Vertical Planter For Lettuce...
Growing strawberries vertically
Growing strawberries vertically. Great Idea
Eating out… of the garden
Beautiful raised bed with built-in trellis from Gabriola Girl blog