Funny Fairy Tail

Funny Fairy Tail memes and other things
48 Pins
What Laxus thinks about the other Dragonslayers by ToniKawa on DeviantArt
What Laxus thinks about the other Dragonslayers by on @DeviantArt
Gruvia. Haha, Lucy's and Natsu's faces though. And not quite sure what Gajeel's doing, but I love it. :)
Gray&Lyon x) hahaha! Titanic's true story.... xD
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Fairy Tail
Stupid Fish by streetzdanzer on DeviantArt
Stupid Fish by streetzdanzer on DeviantArt
The dragon slayer's motion sickness Made me laugh so hard! But I wonder why Gageel didn't do this in previous episodes. I'm mean seriously I get Wendy not being motion sick, because she uses healing magic. So yeah, but it's still really funny
Seriously!!!!! Erza and Jellal from Fairy Tail. But according to the creator they kissed its just the anime made it confusing ;)
Fairy Tail xD haha it makes sense!