
150 Pins
Twisted Dancers Become Human Sculptures on City Streets
Bodies in Urban Spaces is a rare and unique performance where dancers move throughout a city and organize their bodies into the nooks and crannies of public space.
Grand Guignol: An Exhibition Celebrating the Legendary Theater of Terror [Exhibition Catalog]
"Grand Guignol: An Exhibition Celebrating the Legendary Theater of Ter – Century Guild
portraits Archives — Page 2 of 80 — Colossal
This piece was very confusing at first. I didn’t realize it was a person at first, but when I did it all came together. It’s like a way of showing how we’re all just very “basic” and made of the same things, but the slight adjustments or specifics is what makes us different. Other pieces in this series had basically the same colors and textures, but the placement was different. We all come from the same place.