
119 Pins
36 Amazing Garden Decor Ideas For Small Backyards
36 Amazing Garden Decor Ideas For Small Backyards
36 Amazing Garden Decor Ideas For Small Backyards
36 Amazing Garden Decor Ideas For Small Backyards
The Sunset Room
Sunset is a stunning contemporary garden room that will give any garden a modern feel. Perfect for a wider plot, the room is based on a modular room design to offer you total flexibility for a variety of room configurations. Whether you’re interested in office space with hidden storage or a bedroom with shower and WC facilities, the Sunset Room is totally adaptable to your needs. This room design suits a larger footprint but can be reduced to a single room if space is limited.
Gartenhaus 28mm von Wolff Finnhaus bei Gartenhaus2000
Gartenhaus Varianta 28 ST mit Terrasse