
36 Pins
I saw a guy at Starbucks today. No iPhone, no tablet, no laptop. He just sat there. Drinking coffee. Like a psychopath. (Posted to my page 9/4/16.)
To have an inner wealth is to find HAPPINESS within you.....inside you....in your whole being and character!
Amazing quote just beautiful it's is kinda a poem cute but amazing! Xxxx
10 Quotes For When You Wish You Could Just Go Back To Bed
“I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon.”
“Hope Is Then Only Thing Stronger Than Fear.” via... | Official Tumblr of To Write Love on Her Arms.
H.O.P.E. fighting CANCER! Yes, it's important to be realistic when dealing with cancer and not to be in denial about things, but it is always important to have HOPE whether you're in the midst of the battle or you have finished Tx. Many survivors will become consumed w/ fears of relapse instead of staying positive & hopeful. It's a waste of TIME worrying about the "what if's". Life is too short for that.