Art Inspiration

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Making Art with the Golden Ratio
Making Art with the Golden Ratio - nice! And it's entitled "math craft" ! lol love it.
Cosmic Armour - Sacred Geometry: Photo
Squaring the circle …
CAST - Until learning has no limits®
About the Golden Ratio: The Golden Ratio can be illustrated within special dimensions of Sprials, Triangles and Rectangles where the ratio of the length of the short side to the long side is .618, was noted by ancient Greek architects as the most visually pleasing rectangle and its dimensions were used to construct buildings such as the Parthenon.
Wenn man sich einmal die Mathematik in der Schöpfung ansieht, dann erkennt man, das Ganze ist eine Untersuchung ohne Ende. Alles ist bis auf das Feinste konstruiert, es ist nichts zufällig. Es gibt nichts, das irgendwie mal gerade so geworden ist, vielmehr ist alles mathematisch präzise geplant. Dass die Sonnenblume so konstruiert ist, damit der Korb voll ausgefüllt ist, ist nicht irgendwie zufällig im Rahmen einer Evolution entstanden.
Everything You Need to Know About the Golden Ratio
Everything You Need to Know About the Golden Ratio - Infographic
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Golden Ratio. Geometry Embroidered A5 by FabulousCatPapers on Etsy
Fibonacci Findings
Whoever wants to understand much must play much. –Gottfried Benn. The Golden Ratio has an interesting property: Its square is only one more than itself. For large numbers, given any Fibonacci number, you can approximate the next Fibonacci number by multiplying the current one by (1+√5)/2, that is F(n+1)≈φF(n).
The Helpful Art Teacher: Fibonacci SPIRAL
The Meaning of Sacred Geometry - Randall Carlson
The Golden Mean or Phi Ratio - Stated simply, dynamic symmetry is the idea of dividing space such that the proportions of the whole are found in the parts. Probably the most well known example of this principle is found in the famous Phi ratio, which, in its simplest representation as a straight line, is divided asymmetrically such that the small segment is to the large segment as the large segment is to the whole line.
Geometric constructions of Phi in Circles
Circles and Phi, the Golden Ratio