Green Woodworking

Making objects using green timber, traditional hand tools and manually driven machines.
97 Pins
David Fisher, Bowl Carver - A Horse of a Different Sort
David Fisher, Bowl Carver - A Horse of a Different Sort
How to Build a Carving Bench from a Log (Rope Vise Plans Included)
How to Build a Carving Bench from a Log -
This steam box is so simple and works so well. Many propane barbeques have a side burner that could heat the water container. An old metal marina gas can thoroughly rinsed could make a cheap effective steam boiler. Create shelves midway through the pipe with dowels and a power drill.
Hamler Scraper Insert For Bailey No.6 - FineWoodworking
information on the Hamler Scraper Insert, visit his website
Log Holder for Hand Sawing
This is simply a convenient and easy to build jig that can help to hold logs whilst you saw them. I always found that when I clamped logs down to my bench for sawing that they always wriggled loose due to the fact that they're round. With this very simple device you can slip the log inside and get instant clamping pressure for a fiddle free cut! The video above shows the general steps of the build and the holder in use but as always I'll go into more detail of the build below.I hope y...
Shaving Mule, better than a shaving horse, made by Ton Donahey for the Country Workshops Store
Shaving Mule, better than a shaving horse, made by Ton Donahey for the Country Workshops Store
Neanderthal woodworking - FineWoodworking
Neanderthal woodworking | Fine Woodworking Knots
mini axe. Мужики там злые Топорами секутся И по будням там дождь дождь И по праздникам тоже дождь
First axe
#axes #axe #ax Lovely little axe head Tõnu Arrak??