Kids bedrooms

69 Pins
Hang a swath of tulle from Command hooks to create a stuffed animal perch.
<b>No promises your kids will oblige, though.</b>
OR put together this cool Lego table with a couple of plastic drawer units and big sheets of building board.
<b>No promises your kids will oblige, though.</b>
27 Ways To Rethink Your Bed
Instead of a headboard, place bookshelves to frame . . . I seriously think I will do this. This is awesome. I may play around with lighting options.
37 Fun DIY Lighting Ideas for Teens - DIY Projects for Teens
DIY Lighting Ideas for Teen and Kids Rooms - Hula Hoop DIY Chandelier - Fun DIY Lights like Lamps, Pendants, Chandeliers and Hanging Fixtures for the Bedroom plus cool ideas With String Lights. Perfect for Girls and Boys Rooms, Teenagers and Dorm Room Decor
Rustic Industrial Table
Learn to make your own beautiful Rustic Industrial Table with reclaimed fence wood and metal legs
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Reclaimed Work Table (2' x 5') from Salvaged, Unsealed Douglas Fir, sustainable solid wood slab planks, Sturdy, authentic industrial styled steel base. Made from 100-150 year old salvaged, reclaimed & sustainable solid wood planks from deconstructed barns, factories and buildings in the Midwest.
Finding Fall {Home Tour} - The Inspired Room
Upcycling Old Furniture - Ideas with Paint & ColourPlascon Trends