neaderthol man

116 Pins
Faces Re-Created of Ancient Europeans, Including Neanderthal Woman and Cro-Magnon Man
Faces Re-Created of Ancient Europeans, Including Neanderthal Woman and Cro-Magnon Man
DNA Evidence Suggests Captured Russian Ape Woman Might Have been Subspecies of Modern Human
The story of Zana, supposed Ape Woman of the Caucasus Mountains is one often revisited and reexamined by historians, explorers, and scientists alike.
Scientists recreate face of ‘pearl faced’ Altamura Man
Scientists recreate face of ‘pearl faced’ Altamura Man. Scientists recreate face of Neanderthal Altamura Man...
A reconstruction of a Neanderthal wearing warm clothing, using a bone as a clasp. Died in the 1500's.
Farm family meal, 1940s..'On the table are home-produced milk, homemade bread, home-canned peaches, home-churned butter, homemade dill pickles and fish caught by the three children the day this picture was taken."
Bringing Neanderthals to Life: Sculptures of Elisabeth Daynès
Homo erectus by Élisabeth Daynès
These Neanderthal character studies by Tom Björklund look awesome!!! — Steemit
Here's why human women probably struggled to have babies with Neanderthal men
Here's why human women probably struggled to have babies with Neanderthal men 6/6/16 TechInsider Neanderthal Y-chromosome