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Dwarf & slow growing conifers: Ideal for pots, rockeries and mixed planting ½ to 2 metres.
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How to propagate conifers Turn late-summer cuttings into sturdy new plants in just 12 months
A screen of arborvitae at one end of the swimming pool garden forms a strong backdrop for hostas and white impatiens.
Japanese Maple. Acer palmatum 'Garnet' and conifers. Who needs flowers??? Beautiful mix of colors, textures, heights.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Stardust' (Lawson cypress 'Stardust' )
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Golden Wonder' (Lawson cypress 'Golden Wonder').
Fragrant Deodor Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Cream Puff' from Van Essen Nursery
Cedrus deodara 'Cream Puff' Fragrant Deodor Cedar
Wholesale Only
Picea glauca 'Pendula' Weeping White Spruce, rigid upright form... The best Christmas Tree EVER
Use Evergreens to Make an Impact in Your Landscape
Creeping Blue Spruce - Picea pungens 'Procumbens'
Plant a Tiny Winter Forest | Martha Stewart Living, December 2012. Never thought of using dwarf conifers indoors, but they're low-maintenance and come in a wide variety of colors and textures.
The Best Types of Conifer Trees and How to Grow Them
Best Conifer Choices for Landscapes: Two conifer experts share the best choices for landscaping.
My small garden
Conifers. This would actually be a good idea for our front yard, low maintenance and still bird friendly