
28 Pins
Someday it comes to all of us
The Legend of Korra/ Avatar the Last Airbender:
Ctreuse109 - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Specialty benders. I adore this artwork.<<< I don't know why but I simply adore that Zuko is standing off to the side, he knew that lightning bending was dangerous and stuck to just redirecting it to save the people he cared about, well that's how I see it
Siblings! (Avatar: The last Airbender - The Legend Of Korra)
Minimal Movie Posters
Avatar: The Legend of Korra by Richie Pickwell - pretty good sequel series... but I think I liked the original the best
friendly mushroom on Tumblr
"FRIENDLY MUSHROOM!" -Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1)
GIF .....this explains my reaction to SOOOOOOO Many endings of shows!!! accurate to the max.<<<yes and love how it's avatar
These children have seen more hurt than anyone else in tis war, they were tortured, burned, and everyone they knew and loved were killed right in front of them. they're names are Talia and Grey.
LoK Book 3 finale was EXTREMELY reminiscent of ATLA Book 3 finale. Too many feels(!!!!!)
Art'n Stuff: Photo
Legend of Korra: art by Eugene Lee from "the legend of Korra: The art of the animated series book 3 change" pg 183