felted things

309 Pins
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Gorgeous hand felted scarf with stunning surface and outstanding colors. The scarf has a beautiful shape and is elegant cosy and stylish and
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Felted flower by Kensia...wicked Love the color combo
Fiberella Studio Online
Paula Scaffidi's best-ever foundation courses for machine needle felting. undulating curves in fiber
No Roll Felting - Dryer Method
Studio 907: No Roll - Dryer Method, felting without rolling using the dryer
Felted scarf ruffle prom pure merino wool and natural Indian Silk by Nadin Smo design. www.nadinsmo.com
Reverse Circles - Felt Art Shawl
Reverse Circles - Felt Art Shawl | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Сказки войлока Журнал мастер-классов
Сказки войлока Журнал мастер-классов