Healing tools

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Seems to me purchasing a thermometer would be simpler and far more likely to be accurate...
Thymus Thump
PERFORM DAILY TO: • Boost Your Immune System • Stimulate All Of Your Energies • Increase Strength & Vitality • Ground Your Energies Here is my adaptation of “The Three Thumps,” part of Donna Eden’s Five-Minute Daily Routine in her book, “Energy Medicine.” This quick exercise is beneficial to all of us.
ms. clementine
(via Nicole Hill- Confetti Garden (nicswk) on Pinterest)
6 Simple Feng Shui Tips To Help You Make A Fresh Start
6 Feng Shui Ways To Make A Fresh Start | The Tao of Dana
Самые удивительные драгоценные и поделочные камни мира: Занимательные истории в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Beautiful purple and blue boulder opal and opalized wood ..-
Phantoms inside a crystal are indications of the crystal's evolution. They symbolize universal wisdom and the many stages we experience in a single lifetime. From the phantoms come the energy to rescue, refresh and promote the spiritual healing energy of the Earth. #crystals