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Morning! It's a Sunday and I'm feeling glum! Decorations are down, I'm fat and it's cold! Want to stay in bed
12 Adorable Pictures Of Sloths
Sloths, of the families Megalonychidae and Bradypodidae (two0toed and three-toed, respectively) are distant relations of anteaters, and make their homes in the jungles of Central and South America. They are known for their chill, slow-moving attitudes, and, spoiler alert (!) they're adorable....
PHOTO: A Sloth In A Bowl!
PHOTO: A Sloth In A Bowl!
Come In, I Just Made Brownies
What a baby!
Preparing yourself:
Preparing yourself: | Dare You Not To Laugh At These 23 Animal Memes
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sloth memes | ... to be a gangsta you might also like 30 greatest sloth memes gifs and
11 Funny Conservative Memes
Best Sloth Memes: Best Sloth Memes
Potter LOLs - page 4
Harry Potter + Sloths... is there anything better?