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100 Inspirational and Motivational Quotes of All Time! (11) - LifeHack
Positive quotes about strength, and motivational
25 Inspirational Quotes from The Four Agreements - Jill Conyers
25 INSPIRING QUOTES FROM THE FOUR AGREEMENTS | Have you read The Four Agreements? Don Miguel Ruiz gives four principles as a guide to develop personal freedom and love, happiness, and peace. With these principles you tell yourself who you are, what you feel, and what you believe. With these agreements you can change your limiting beliefs. Click through to read the full article and download the free Four Agreements printables. Pin it now and share it with your friends.
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"Creo en el color rosa. Creo que la risa es la mejor manera de quemar calorías. Creo en la magia de besar mucho. Creo en ser fuerte cuando todo parece ir mal. Creo que las chicas felices son las chicas más bonitas. Creo que mañana es otro día y creo en los milagros". Audrey Hepburn
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