32 Pins
Bercy Paris France 8th December 1985
Verhalen over oude treinen, beleef ze in Theater De Steenakker. zie
1225 Steam Locomotive
1225 Steam Locomotive - hubby actually was an engineer- for- the day on the 1225!
Emmanu elle 2 ailes
kafkasapartment: Canadian Pacific Railway 4-6-2 type steam locomotive number 2408 (c.1960). D. Plowden. Gelatin silver print
드림팩토리 그림공부봇 (@DF_drawing) on X
드림팩토리 그림공부봇(@DF_drawing) 님 | 트위터
Search: the east
I miss hearing this steam engine on the weekends!!! Here's hoping the EBT opens again soon!
Stunning Photographs of Trains [18 pictures] - 9 Wows