17 Pins
I'm doing a lot of chin-ups to get that nice v-shape. It's real heavy doing chin-ups but I can do 4 of them now :) I train mostly with a red rubber band that takes of some of the weight so I can do more reps. It's really important to warm up the shoulders before doing chin-ups to prevent injury.
popsicle stick workout jar
A popsicle stick workout is a fun and creative way to build a daily exercise routine that will keep you guessing!
Yoga | StyleCraze
If you think the pics are good, check out the actual link. It gives you a list of what body part you want to work on/ improve (ie. lower back, kidneys) and it lists yoga poses and how to do them! Soooooooo helpful! Definitely need to remember this! //
Maximize Your Workout Results With Our Printable Dumbbell Workout
Workout. Start your free month now!!! Cancel anytime. #fitness #workout #health #exercise
H is for healthy
Don't forget about vitamins! Our bodies needs multiple vitamins, so take a look at this list of sources for vitamins.
Healthy College Girl Grocery List - Gina Alyse
Healthy College Girl Grocery List | Fruit + Veggies + Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner ideas!