Mishmash of bits and bobs

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10 Creative DIY Ideas💡💡
When camping, stick a headlamp around a gallon of water and it will light up the tent. Bing Bong!
Campsite Cabinet The camp hanger shown is easily made by attaching hooks to an old leather belt. For hardware, hang S-hooks or bend stout wire through holes punched in the leather. The hanger will be found quite a convenience for clothing and utensils used around the camp.
Hunting, Fishing, and Camping Tips from Field & Stream Readers
Carry seasonings in a straw when you go camping. Heat one end of the straw with a lighter and crimp it shut, fill with seasoning, and repeat heating process on other end. What a great idea!
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The Gorkha trooper displays a giant "kukri" knife, the traditional Nepalese rifle used as both a tool and a weapon. Note that the scabbard contains an additional two (smaller) "kukris". In the hands of trained men, the "kukri" is a fearsome weapon that can easily sever a limb with one strike.