Art - Maori

33 Pins
Stunning Portraits of the World's Remotest Cultures
The most current reliable evidence strongly indicates that initial settlement of New Zealand by the Maori occurred around 1280 CE at the end of the medieval warm period. Photo by Jimmy Nelson Maori, New Zealand
North West American Native Art
Kiwi-Kerry-Kapua-Thompson-379x515 New Zealand Māori artist Kerry Kapua Thompson
Cherry Fusion Paddle
Paddle Making (and other canoe stuff): Cherry Fusion Paddle
General Error
Shane Hansen : Piopiotahi Kotuku - Clever Bastards: The best of New Zealand art & design
Modern Art - Picasso inspired Tiki by Lester Hall
Travel - Andrew Shaylor
Maori Wood Carving, Auckland, New Zealand -- TRAVEL by Andrew Shaylor, via Behance
Whakairo (carving) Iwi Art represents some of the leading carvers of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Matt Smiler Kura Gallery Maori Art Design Aotearoa New Zealand Carving Totara Male Mask White Moko