Cute animals and pets!

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This Baby Kangaroo Is The Cutest Thing Ever
This poor kangaroo is so adorably cute I can't stop looking at him. He's wearing underoos!
“Happiness is a warm puppy.” -Charles M. Schulz
“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, 'This is what it is to be happy.'" -Sylvia Plath
Cheetah, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Steve Tracy Photography. Awesome pose! I am in love with the cheetahs, they are such beautiful animals!
20 Pictures That Will Make You Feel Happy
Liked! and pinned! if you want to do the same I'd appreciate it!
Meet Sheldon, Your New Favorite Zoobaby
Servals Are Awesome Creatures. I have an F-2 Savannah ... who is 2nd generation from an African Serval. His grandfather is a Serval!!!! Or shall I say ... WAS may he RIP.
And the inspiring act of panda altruism that suddenly made everything OK again.
Can You Make It Through This Post Without Squealing? from Buzz Feed - an entire post full of the cutest pics (kittens, puppies, babies, other baby animals, adorableness overload!)
They can never see over the steering wheel, but they think it's okay because they're "cute."
They can never see over the steering wheel, but they think it’s okay because they’re “cute.”
Leopardus pardalis
Leopardus pardalis by Claudia Rocchini, via Flickr Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) The Ocelot inhabits the forests and scrublands of Mexico, Central America, and northeastern South America.
"Giraffes in the Sunset"
Giraffes in the sunset • photo: NINA Bradica on Flickr
21 Animals Who Will Definitely Not Stay Up Until Midnight
21 Animals Who Will Definitely Not Stay Up Until Midnight | I want one!!!
And the inspiring act of panda altruism that suddenly made everything OK again.
There’s a little pouch on an otter’s body where it can keep its favorite rock. | The 35 Cutest Facts Of All Time
And the inspiring act of panda altruism that suddenly made everything OK again.
And the inspiring act of panda altruism that suddenly made everything OK again. | The 50 Cutest Things That EverHappened