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'Not Enough' by gunnerstrietzel
Not Enough - projected words such as "Not good enough", "not smart enough", and "not pretty enough" onto her skin using a simple classroom projector.
10 Ways to Take Stunning Portraits (Portrait Photography Guide)
4. Experiment with Lighting Another element of randomness that you can introduce to your portraits is the way that you light them. There are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to using light in portraits. Side-lighting can create mood, backlighting and silhouetting your subject to hide their features can be powerful.
Mapping Portraits
Mapping Portraits: The series “Projections” is the result of a beautiful collaboration between English photographer Mads Perch and art director Gemma Fletcher – Fubiz™
fly....and don't look down
I think the pattern from the layer of shadows contributed to making this an artistic shot. I do feel that the repetition has created some movement for the viewer's eye, guiding it through the image. I also found it interesting why the photographer chose to do a side view instead of a front, perhaps so you can see the shadows of the patterns clearer.
Dmitry Borisov -- photography - ShockBlast
- inspiration for - Poli by Dmitry Borisov, via 500px
40 Best Black and White Photography examples from top photographers
25 Best Black and White Photography examples and Tips for Beginners | Read full article: | more | Follow us
P H O T O G R A P H Y - Rus Anson
DIY paint a clear gel with black opaque paint to create shadows! by Rus Anson.