Created By Me!

This is where I pin stuff I make. Some of it may be for sale.
322 Pins
4 Sections
Amigurumi vegetables for a museum play-garden. These are such fun to make!
Star-Ringed medal for feminist heroines.
Pendants from the 'Waiting Game' series, available for purchase... #assemblage #jewellery
Soldotna Crop with some GLCreative variation
Knitted in scrumptious Cascade Roslyn wool/silk yarn
Enchanted Mesa wip. Westknits kills it again...
Brick pattern cloths
Hand knitted kitchen cloths or wash cloths, and easy and quick use for leftover cotton.
Starting on Melanie Berg's Moonraker shawl pattern-taking liberties, of course. Lovely pattern! #wip
Finished asymmetrical jumper from a Westknit design.
Blue Cat
Pocket Pal Cat hand stitched from wool felt and quilting fabric, embellished with perlé cotton and beads
A tiny bird, hand crocheted by me...
Fly agaric amigurumi. You know you want one!
Crocheted Dinoworm.