Camera Tricks

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Buying a camera: everything you need to know
Aperture comparisons, all shot at ISO 1000 & 1/50 shutter speed
Tip on Selective Focus… One of the best techniques in photography is to use a wide aperture to throw the background out of focus, while shooting portraits, which is also called as selective focus. The idea is to focus on the subject’s eyes, select a wide aperture so that the eyes and part of the face are in focus, while the rest goes out of focus. More at
Unlock the power of shutter speed in your photography
The Power of Shutter Speeds
Understanding Exposure, Part 3: Shutter Speed
The B&H Guide to Exposure: Understanding Shutter Speed.
Photography Cheatsheets
Photography Cheatsheets - Imgur
Say NO to Auto~3 Basic steps to Understanding Manual Camera Settings - Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke
Say NO to Auto ~ 3 Basic steps to Understanding Manual Camera Settings - Capturing Joy with photography tips book
Shutter Speed: an overview
Shutter Speed: an overview | Boost Your Photography
Why Are My Buildings Falling Over? A Short Guide to Perspective Distortion and Correction in Photography
Why are my Buildings Falling Over? A Short Guide to Perspective Distortion and Correction in Photography