Late period Flemish/German

Late 15th to early 16th century clothing
153 Pins
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Chroniken - Cod. Ettenheim-Münster 11
Dokumentenerbe digital / Chroniken - Cod. Ettenheim-Münster... [40]
Chroniken - Cod. Ettenheim-Münster 11
Dokumentenerbe digital / Chroniken - Cod. Ettenheim-Münster... [41]
Chroniken - Cod. Ettenheim-Münster 11
Dokumentenerbe digital / Chroniken - Cod. Ettenheim-Münster... [50]
Compilatio historiarum / Giovanni, da Udine, MS M.158 fol. 28r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Compilatio historiarum / Giovanni, da Udine, MS M.158 fol. 28r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library & Museum
How to make a kirtle and a Burgundian gown
The woman tying hay bundles wears the fitted overgown with short sleeves, red sleeve/arm protectors, a linen apron, and a straw hat over her linen headwrap.