Little worlds of Felt

75 Pins
Easy way to make Felted Balls By Kim of Wildly Woolly – Felting
1. Tie a single knot in the center of your roving 2. Needle felt the ends up around the knot to pre-felt it 3. Wet-felt the ball in soapy hot water and let dry
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Needle Felt Frog - Little Needle Felt Green Frog With A Pink Heart - Needle Felt…
Artful and Adventurous Needle Felted Bunny
Needle Felted Bunny by Kathleen Dodge-DeHaven featured on
子猫4号 - 手乗り猫はじめました
Dinny Pocock felted animals & birds. VEGANIZE this, please! Art and creativity should NEVER support or condone animal cruelty and exploitation. Make sure your art/craft supplies aren't sourced from animals (such as "wool" felt) and that they reflect a true reverence for life. Always use animal-free alternatives. Be kind. Be fair. Be vegan.
Валяем милого хомячка: Мастер-Классы в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Needle felting tutorial: cute hamster / Делаем валяную игрушку в виде милого хомячка
rustlesfromthemeadow - Etsy
Little Rabbit Ornaments~Charming needle felted characters by Rustles from the Meadow
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Fetreno. Игрушки из шерсти ручной работы.
Mouse With Dog Felted Mouse Soft Sculpture Felted Animal | Etsy
Mouse with Dog Felted Mouse Soft Sculpture Felted Animal
Needle Felted Dressed Brown Mouse Felted Animal Dressed | Etsy
Needle Felted dressed Brown Mouse felted animal dressed | Etsy