Tarot of the Cat People

Cards from the deck designed by Karen Kuykendall.
85 Pins
5 Sections
The Fool: beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit // naïvety, foolishness, recklessness
The Magician: concentration, skill, power, resourcefulness // latent talents, poor planing, manipulation
The Empress: fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance // creative block, dependence
The Lovers: love, relationship, union, aligned values, choices // disharmony, misaligned values
The Emperor: authority, father-figure, structure, foundation // domination, rigidity, inflexibility
The Chariot: control, will power, victory, assertion, determination // aggression, no control or direction
the-fool-tarot-of-the-cat-people - Little Red Tarot
Costume of the Emporer of the Outer Regions. Karen Kuykendall exhibit at the Mesa Historical Museum.
Untitled, painted by Karen Kuykendall, who took inspiration from her novel Cat People of the Outer Regions. On display at the Mesa Historical Museum.