MiniMovie 2017

18 Pins
By , , and 3 others
#ドールハウス #ミニチュア #ジオラマ #森林家族 #シルバニアファミリー #sylvanianfamilies #calicocritters #diorama #miniature #dollhouse #waterfall #bunnies #シルバニア
Motherart56's clips for
Monsters and aliens...CREATURE smooth clay then add texture or pattern details
Pardon Our Interruption... | Страшные куклы, Глиняные скульптуры, Художественные куклы
DRAGON number #21 | Dragon Collection | Polymer Clay | BUZHANDMADE:
Sava's Place
Something like this would be easy to make and easy to animate, also i would be able to change the facial expresions quite easily. If i was to use a design like this i would add more detail, maybe give it a uniform or props that it can carry. This will help to give each Alien a personality.