Young Womens Mutual Activities

Mother, Daughter - Photo tile coasters
50 Pins
Always free helps and printables for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and anyone else who can use it.
Cute Young Women - Husband Time Capsules
This is pretty cool. Just had to repin.......I'm a Christian, but not LDS. However, I think some of their values for young women/teens are great! Modesty, etc. can go a long way, so I like these kits....Birthday kits for girls when they turn 12, 14, 16
Scatter Sunshine young women activity..."Service Scavenger Hunt." The youth were split into teams with 1 leader (about 4-5 per group), and given a list of tasks with coordinating point values.
Temple Time Capsule Printables
Temple Time Capsule Printables - A fun mutual activity for the Young Women.
LDS Temple Block – I’m Going There Someday – Let's DIY It All – With Kritsyn Merkley
LDS Temple Blocks - Tutorial plus free downloads of antiqued temple pictures on { }
20 of the best LDS iPhone Apps
20 of the best LDS iPhone Apps including: MormonTube Family Search Mormon Channel LDS Youth LDS Laughs Scripture Citation Index LDS Tools Bible Videos
LIP SYNC BATTLE (QUICK IDEA SERIES) 4 OF 4 (Jolly Rogers' Young Women Blog)
LIP SYNC BATTLE (QUICK IDEA SERIES) 4 OF 4 | Jolly Rogers' Young Women Blog - LDS Young Women Mutual Activity Ideas and More! | Bloglovin’
Random Acts Of Kindness - Kind Things To Do For Others
I believe that taking part in random acts of kindness is something more should spend time doing. The smallest gesture can make someone's day!
Random Acts of Kindness
Random Acts of Kindness-done as a young women/youth group activity. I like this idea, maybe a monthly activity, could be as small as sidewalk chalk for kids in Sunday school, or as big helping a family in need
YW Newsletters
YW newsletters and other ideas for handouts, thank-you gifts, etc...
50 Cute DIY Mason Jar Crafts - DIY Projects for Teens
Cute DIY Mason Jar Ideas - DIY Mason Jar Succulents - Fun Crafts, Creative Room Decor, Homemade Gifts, Creative Home Decor Projects and DIY Mason Jar Lights - Cool Crafts for Teens and Tween Girls diyprojectsfortee...
Young Women Activities
Several ideas for Activity Days, Young Women, Teen Activities and Service. Great Blog