Doctor Who

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Look at Donna's face. I never really noticed. She knows how much Rose means to him, and she's really happy for him. Even though she had never met Rose or seen them together. That was what I loved so much about Donna: she had a huge heart.
new who quotes
This scene makes me cry EVERY TIME! Donna has no idea how important she is to the entire world, to every universe.
My.Brilliant.Donna by TaiKaze on DeviantArt
Oh to be someone's Donna Noble
The rebound - Doctor Who comic by SWING-21 on DeviantArt
The pretty much explains most of series 2 :')
Infosec Partners FAQs
Wilfred Mott-Donna's Grandfather
because everyone needs their board signed by all of the doctors
FanX® Salt Lake Comic Convention™
*FLASH CONTEST* Thanks to our great fans, we've reached 700 followers on Pinterest! Let's celebrate with a contest. Who is your DREAM DOCTOR WHO GUEST? Make sure you follow our Pinterest, and leave your answer in the comments below to answer. I'll award some Thursday Only Passes at 5pm (MST). Okay.... go!
Doctor who! This is awesome!