
300 Pins
Cloth Doll Patterns by Susan Barmore of Frowning Francis
20” imaginative painted muslin wall doll.
photo of ribbon dolls
This second picture is the doll I recd from Lynn. (Yes, a different ...1200 x 1600 | 493.1KB | lindascreations.blogspot.co...
Kelp Part of the soon to be Mermaid pattern. She is a 17" version. Her tail is covered with the sleeve from a beaded dress I got at a thrift shop and dyed the pearls.
This item is unavailable - Etsy
beaded+goddess | Beaded pendant Golden Goddess by SandeesBeads on Etsy, ... | Beadwork
Fairy Coral Spirit Doll Ooak made by Request - Etsy
Fairy Coral- Spirit Doll - Ooak (Made by Request). $100.00, via Etsy.
I’m no longer stressing about the scale | CNN
I'm no longer stressing about the scale
Pure Lavender Oil — Sustainable Baby Steps
66+ Uses for Lavender Essential Oil (from anxiety to wrinkles), from SustainableBabySteps.com