Precision intrauterine contraception

The unidimensional GyneFix IUDs fit the majority of uterine cavities. An IUD that fits is likely to result in increased tolerance and continued use of the method. As this would appeal to women, the logical result should be greater use of the method and fewer unintended pregnancies and induced abortions. Read this review and sign up to receive International Journal of Women’s Health here:
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Figure 8 3-D ultrasonography: Abnormally located ParaGard intrauterine device (IUD) causing bleeding and pain (left) and middle (Mirena). Even if the IUD is apparently located in the correct position, the too-long transverse arm can cause painful contractions (right).
Figure 6 GyneFix 200 (Contrel Europe, Belgium), real size (left), in situ in foam uterus (middle), compared with the frameless FibroPlant-LNG (Contrel Europe, Belgium), which is derived from the frameless copper-releasing intrauterine device (IUD) (right).
Figure 4 (A–C) Geometric relation of a properly inserted intrauterine device (IUD) to endometrial cavities with various inappropriate fundal transverse dimension. (A) Fundal transverse dimension significantly smaller than the length of the transverse arm of the IUD; (B) fundal transverse dimension significantly greater (initial position of the IUD); (C) fundal transverse dimension significantly greater (possible subsequent position of the IUD).
Figure 7 The current intrauterine device (IUD) is provided with a “visualized” anchor.
Figure 10 2-D/3-D ultrasonography: Another example of position of the stem of the Nova-T intrauterine device (IUD), showing slight downward displacement (left). The arms of the IUD are unfolded and penetrate the cornua of the uterus (middle, 3-D; right, hysteroscopy picture). Note: The fundal transverse diameter is only 22.55 mm.
Figure 12 3-D ultrasound of GyneFix, illustrating the compatibility of the frameless intrauterine device with very narrow uterine cavities of young adolescent and nulliparous women.
Figure 1 The mean value in nulliparous and primiparous girls between 15 and 20 years old is ∼40–50 cm.
Figure 5 3-D coronal view of the uterine cavity, demonstrating the measurement of the fundal transverse dimension (19.0 mm).
Figure 9 2-D/3-D ultrasonography: Position of the stem of the ParaGard intrauterine device (IUD), showing slight downward displacement (left). The arms of the IUD are unfolded and penetrate the muscular wall as the uterus is too small (right).
Figure 11 Mirena: shortened transverse arm after removal because of patient complaints and reinsertion under strict sterile conditions.
Figure 13 Home Uterine Trainer (HUT), suitable for home training of the frameless intrauterine device and intrauterine system insertion technique.