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Put a banana peel in a mason jar of water for a day or two then pour only the water at the base of each tomato plant. Each time we have done this, SO many new tomatoes blossoms have popped up and the plants are getting taller! Apparently potassium is BIG for tomato plants! @ Huge thanks to my friend Ansley for letting me re-post this tip! - iFunny
16 Do-It-Yourself Bug Spray Recipes for Plants
16 Do-It-Yourself Bug Spray Recipes for Plants
Natural Insect Spray For Plants (A DIY That Really Works!!) - An Oregon Cottage
Homemade Garlic-Mint Garden Insect Spray- a natural option that really works! See before and after shots of basil and an ornamental plant to see that this garden, pet, and people safe spray will work to keep insects and more off your plants. #gardening #natural #naturalgarden #insects #pesticide #gardendiy #anoregoncottage
Yellow Leaves at the Bottom of Your Tomato Plants? | The Beginner's Garden
If your vibrant tomato plants start to show yellow leaves on the bottom, particularly with brown spots, most likely you have a common issue. Thankfully, with early intervention, you can save the plant and still harvest many tomatoes in your garden!
Tomatoes Splitting: Why Tomatoes Split And How To Stop It