just great stuff

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I need this...if you know me.. you know I can get quite "crazy" when I am hungry... not sure what I mean? ask my hubby. lol
Colourful & Eclectic Brazilian Kitchen - Bright Bazaar by Will Taylor
Colourful & Eclectic Brazilian Kitchen – Love the blue and the tiles!
Inspire by Nest Pretty Things
eclectic style mixed chairs, wicker...great ceiling, tall walls, and wood floors
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A base da ilha foi revestida de porcelanato fosco (Pedras Passinho). Um carrinho (Tok Stok) se encaixa sob o tampo. Cadeiras Girafa, da Marcenaria Baraúna, e paneleiro comprado em Embu-Guaçu, SP. Um laminado de PET reciclado verde-limão reveste a borda da bancada. Na parede, o azul se chama Turquesa Intensa*, da Coral.
Self Architecture
Beetje druk, wel lekker, toch? More inspiration at Bed and Breakfast Valencia Mindfulness Retreat Spain : http://www.valenciamindfulnessretreat.org