
52 Pins
Pinball wizard enjoys nostalgia
An old flip ball machine hangs on a wall inside Jonathan Usher's central Dunedin office.
Telethon - 1981 show | Television | NZ On Screen
NZ Telethon - sat up all night watching this cheesy garbage with it's D- list celebrities and bad singing.
The weeks in brief: 17 June – 30 June
New Zealand Jelly tip ice-creams!! Do they even have these anymore? Omgoodness, my favourite ice-cream in the whole world - sadly, we can't get these here in Australia, they don't make them over this way :'( They are amazing!
January 2011 – longwhitekid
griffins sampler biscuits- a box of these every Christmas!
More FM: Today's Best Music Mix
Growing up in the 80's was full of all these classic memories!
NameBright - Domain Expired
BBC Test card. Waiting for kids tv to start on a Saturday morning..... !! No 24/7 TV! #toysforkids
Golden Kiwi Tickets - $1
Golden Kiwi Tickets - $1. Nanna bought these every week from the bookshop. Should would check the numbers on a Wednesday newpaper.
tip-top-cup-front-back - little tubs of vanilla ice cream. with little wooden spoon!