DIY Fashion

195 Pins
Free Sewing Patterns - Learn How To Sew
The greatest collection of sewing tutorials I've ever seen ~~ Everything from basic hemming, to clothes, to home decor. Awesome!
Mod Shift Dress Drafting and Sewing Tutorial
From another pinner: "Looks super easy and is really cute. Bet it would take about an hour." I laughed. Because it will not take me an hour. Maybe 5 or 6... :) haha
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PLEASE NOTE: Upcycled items moved to DIY Upcycle T-Shirts/ Recycle Clothes Board! Pattern Free Blouse
Kimono DIY
Kimono DIY. Kimono DIY. beach cover up, slouchy, layers, flowy, patterns, sewing, pretty top
Tshirt to Vest -
20 DIY Dress Tutorials for Spring
20 DIY Dress Tutorials for Spring from @Whitney Anne They Snooze
DIY // kimono jacket now on