
79 Pins
Vitrine de Natal - Ideias e dicas inspiradoras para decoração de vitrines de lojas em 40 fotos | Fashion Bubbles
Vitrine de Natal Ideias e dicas inspiradoras para decoração de vitrines de lojas em 150 fotos
Preparations - Part 3
Lenten wreath with a grapevine and toothpicks. Pull out a toothpick for each kind act (almsgiving) during Lent.
10 Sidewalk Chalk Ideas That'll Keep Kids Entertained for Hours
3x klatschen, eine 'station' rückwärts gehen, miaun wie die katze, bellen wie…
Stitch: Amanda McCavour — UPPERCASE
Artist Amanda McCavour creates these beautiful works of art with a sewing machine, thread and dissolving fabric. Sew gorgeous.
The Tainted Relic (The Medieval Murderers, #1)
The Tainted Relic: An Historical Mystery (The Medieval Murderers, #1)
The holiday season is great. It's my favorite time of the year! Thanksgiving, Christmas, the lights, the holly-jolly feeling of it all... But, beneath the surface and veneer and shine of the glitz, fun and sparkle of the Season is an old, rugged, blood-stained Cross. The Cross of our Christ, Jesus. He is Who should be magnified during this time.
How can we stand in the shadow of a blood stained cross, and refuse to do the bare minimum that he asks of us.
What is your favorite European city? - Katie Considers
Illustrated map of Paris by Livi Gosling #art #etsy