Drawing Design Projects

98 Pins
Dark Silence In Suburbia
Dark Silence In Suburbia — Masks from Around the World Oceania Rare Tribal...
Orakei School | Sofia Minson Artist
Woven paintings collaboration between Sofia and 8-12 year old students at Orakei School Sofia Minson on the experience: "What a joy it has...
Seamless Maori Kowhaiwhai pattern designs in color.
Maori Borders
Alexis Neal
Alexis Neal House of Treasures Series "Tauira Whāriki Rāranga Whakairo" Printed Woven Whāriki 2013
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maori.org.nz Slide Shows: Tukutuku - Weaving Patterns in a Whare
A recent acquisition to mark the end of this year’s Matariki celebrations | Te Papa’s Blog
Snowden 1